As members, we participate in monthly Chapter meetings, take planned Chapter rides, and participate in dealership & community events.
Please visit us during our monthly meetings or community events to learn more about our organization or join JaxHOG to be able to participate in our Chapter rides.
Members are welcome to bring a guest on Chapter rides, please provide a signed release form to the Road Captain before the start of the event--
Guests are allowed to participate in two Chapter events per calendar year (beginning January 1 and ending December 31) as a guest of the Chapter before becoming a member.
Take a look at all of the upcoming events, the times listed are the "Meeting" times, Chapter rides will begin after all riders have checked in and the Road Captains have given their ride description and safety briefing.
Chapter events are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G.® chapter members. There are three categories of activities. All activities are identified as follows:
If you are interested in becoming an H.O.G.® chapter member please visit our Membership page for more information.
The officers and members of the Jacksonville Florida Chapter #0681 Harley Owners Group hereby give notice that any and all rides, runs, events and activities sponsored by the Jacksonville Florida Chapter #0681 are solely intended for the benefit and participation of our current members and guests (limit one guest per member).
Members are responsible for making sure that their guests have a properly executed release form handed before to any event, ride, run, and/or activity with the Chapter. Persons considering Jacksonville Florida Chapter #0681 membership are welcome to participate in up to two Chapter activities/events per year (Beginning January 1 and ending December 31) as a guest of the Chapter. They must identify themselves to the Road Captain, Event Coordinator, or Chapter Director (or designate) and submit a signed release form before the start of the activity/event.
No Chapter member or guest may operate a motorcycle at a Chapter activity/event unless that person is legally licensed to do so and his/her motorcycle is properly registered and insured. Members and guests are hereby also notified that they participate in all Chapter activities, events, rides, runs, and/or meetings at their own risk.
The Jacksonville Florida Chapter #0681 Harley Owners Group, its officers, members, and its sponsors assume no liability or responsibility for any persons, Chapter member or otherwise. All events, unless noted, end upon arrival at the destination. All events are alcohol-free.
Personal privacy and security of information are mutual concerns of H.O.G.®, its members and visitors to the Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter #0681 Web site. This statement explains H.O.G.®’s Internet policies and security measures relating to personal privacy and information security. The Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter #0681 collects and stores the following information about you when you visit the Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter #0681 Web site: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,, if you are connecting from a Google account); the date and time you access the Web site; and the Internet address of the Web site from which you linked directly to our Web site. The Chapter uses this information to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of its site. This helps H.O.G.® to make its Web site more responsive to its members and prospective members.
H.O.G.® will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our site unless you choose to provide such information. If you choose to send e-mail, registration or other personal information over the Internet, you do so voluntarily.
The Jacksonville, Florida, Chapter #0681 will not disclose personal information provided to it except as follows:
By your use of and connection to our web site, you understand and consent to this privacy statement. If for any reason you are concerned that the personal or member information maintained by H.O.G.® is not correct, or if for some reason you believe H.O.G.® has not adhered to these privacy principles, please notify us by calling 1-800-CLUB-HOG.
Jacksonville Florida Chapter #0681 H.O.G.©
c/o Adamec Harley-Davidson, 8909 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256